Homework 1#
General assignment information.
You’ll complete this assignment using pandas. Steps:
It must have:
At least one numeric column
Between one thousand and one million rows
If it’s larger than that, you can make it smaller.
Don’t spend too long on this step.
If there’s more than one numeric column, pick one.
Create a new notebook.
Read in the data.
The mean
The median
The mode
Do a
with an aggregation.
Tutorials, continued#
Read The Joys (and Woes) of the Craft of Software Engineering
Note not everything in there is applicable to data analysis
sLearn about functions
Coding Style Guides - Please skim these; I don’t expect you to understand and follow everything in them. The most important guidelines to pay attention to are indentation and keeping each statement on its own line.
Glance through pandas’ comparison with other tools for any you are familiar with
More on indexing:
Reminder about the between-class participation requirement.